Regarding the Instructor

Mr. Banaag is the youngest student that Sijo (founder) DeMile has personally awarded the rank of Black Belt to in his adult program at the age of 17, and at the age of 19 became the youngest student personally certified by Sijo DeMile to become an instructor, receiving the title of "Sifu".

He has appeared with Sijo DeMile in the internationally published Black Belt Magazine, as well as in DeMile's book Bruce Lee's 1-3 inch Power Punch. He is also a certified Basics Level instructor in Special Forces Combatives.

"I have been teaching martial arts for over 45 years and I can say without reservation that Sifu Michael Banaag is an outstanding student and instructor. He is exceptionaly articulate and perceptive in the concepts and principles of Wing Chun Do. He has written me his thoughts on different applications of applied trapping and they show a unique insight in the science of trapping. His constant efforts to improve his teaching skills, not only in communicating with the student, but also in refining his own abilities shows his total commitment to becoming the best teacher possible. His sincere concern for each student's progress and his determination to make sure they each develop a practical skill makes me very proud to be his instructor and beyond his excellent martial arts skills he is a person I am pleased to call a friend."
- Sijo James DeMile
an Original student of Bruce Lee
Founder of DeMile Defensive Tactics
& Wing Chun Do Gung-Fu
"I had the opportunity to watch Sifu Banaag teach for the first time at the Wing Chun Do International Convention 2001 in Hawaii as a rookie instructor. Since that time, he has put in diligent training and effort in his growth as a martial artists and teacher which allowed him to blossom as a fine, mature human being. Watching him get better in skill level of his gung fu has me excited to see the evolution of his growth. I know without a doubt that those who train and learn from Sifu Michael Banaag will be under the guidance of an excellent martial arts instructor."
- Sigung/Coach Ron Ogi
an Original student of Sijo DeMile
direct student of Professor Wally Jay of Small Circle Jujitsu
In all the martial arts I have dabbled in, Sifu Michael is hands down, the best teacher I have ever experienced. He has a gift for teaching the skills he has cultivated, and he is a gift for those of us seeking to learn the arts of self-defense.
The qualities that I most appreciate and feel make him most effective are his patience, articulation, and encouragement of dialogue. Questions are not tolerated, they are WELCOMED! Sifu doesn't have the patience for you to learn his communication style, he has the patience to discover the communication style that works for you.
The hallmark of a natural and exceptional teacher is the ability to provide numerous analogies and metaphors to explain a given concept. Sifu explains everything. And he always finds a way to say it in terms that work for you, individually.
Sifu is dedicated to sharing his knowledge, passing on his craft, and developing his students. His command is carried with an easy, personable bearing. His exacting nature is encouraging rather than demanding. His high standards are a testament to his goal of helping each student achieve his or her unique potential."
- Mark Snow
Past experience in Boxing, Judo, Aikido, Hung-gar,
Tai Chi & an eclectic "Five Animal" Kung-Fu
Labels: DeMile Defensive Tactics, Instructor, Sifu Michael Banaag
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