Thursday, February 16, 2012

Regarding Training/Classes

I understand that everyone has different goals for when they train.

Some are interested in group classes and working out so that they can stay in-shape while learning something practical, and make some friends. Others are interested in just being able to hit hard. Others are interested in taking it up a notch and learning some self-defense strategies to go along with hitting hard. Then, there are those who are interested in learning the entire method.

What I try to do is cater to those different interests do a great degree. This is why I also offer private lessons. And this is also why knowing what specific goal you have in mind is important. This way, whether you are just in the group classes, just the private lessons, or both, the proper level of expectation and guidance can be given to you.

So help me, help you achieve your goals. Know what you want, communicate it with me, and we'll get things going to shape your journey to give you the results you want.

-Michael Banaag
