Canada Seminar a Success!!!

This past weekends December 18th seminar at the New Era Athletics Inc., K-1/Muay Thai facility in Richmond, British Columbia was a huge success!!!
Participants showed great open mindedness to the information I shared with them, especially regarding the Powerline Striking principles and nuances. As each component was being introduce, with a continuous emphasis on ease in effort, smiles and raised eyebrows in amazement would appear on all the participants faces. Two particular areas - the "Bridge" and the non-telegraphicness of the Powerline Strike, really caught everyones interest; as the small women were able to move the larger men as they walked them from one end of the facility to another all while the larger men were REALLY trying to resist and push back; and the motion of the Powerline strike caused a noticeable lag in reaction time by those comparing its motion to regular boxing & common punches.
Closing the Gap techniques gave everyone an idea of how to apply the Powerline strike in a real confrontation, as well as acted as a teaser to the possibility of trapping if the Powerline strike ran into an obstruction, or resistance.
It was great to see participants eager to try and really get the reference points down so that they could hopefully leave with a budding development in skill. And I really enjoyed the friendliness and comraderie shared by all.
Special Thanks goes out to Randy Mangalindan & Kru Judd Skinner who coordinated the event and gave me this opportunity to share our information with our neighbors up North. Randy really pulled through in getting this to all come together and continue the Ohana spirit of those whom I've trained with at the old Shoreline Club. And Kru Skinner was/is such a gracious and friendly host, who's a class act and great example of a leader for those looking to train in any form of the Martial Arts. It was also nice to experience how open minded and humble he is knowing he's met and trained with many Mixed Martial Art "Greats", like Bas Rutten, George St. Pierre, and Michael MacDonald (whom he's coached!).
Hopefully the event will also garner some interest in the Vancouver, B.C. area for those looking to learn what it is that we do under the DeMile lineage of self-defense training.
Thanks again to everyone who came and participated! It was a both an pleasure, and an Honor!
P.S. - Another special thanks goes out to my close friend, Bao Tran for providing transportation to and from the event.
Labels: Canada, Kru Judd Skinner, Powerline Striking, seminars, Sifu Michael Banaag
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